The Ultimate Guide to Setting the Perfect Reading Pace
Are you tired of getting lost in a sea of words every time you pick up a book? Or maybe you feel like you're sprinting through a page-turner, but missing all the important details?  Well, fear not! Today, we're diving into the ultimate guide for setting the...
7 Secrets to Writing Dialogue
Dialogue is a vital component of any movie or TV show but it's often overlooked in reading, where it's replaced by description. Dialogue is truly the voice and soul of your book, so it's important to keep it fresh and interesting the whole way through. If your...
Writers: Keep Writing (Even When It Seems Like No One Could Care Less)
It's easy to get down on yourself when you're a writer. I remember talking about the entire process of publishing, landing an agent, and how it can take several years to a friend and he went, "wow, if I had to do that for a living, I'd quit." I think all of us as...
5 Book to Film Adaptations You Probably Didn’t Know About
When you think of the literary world, it is easy to envision the quiet world of book clubs and great literature. The pages of a book can transport you to the past or to a faraway place. But it is important to remember that books can be great sources of inspiration for...
Camp NaNo: Slow and Unsteady Wins the Race.
I am a writer. I’m not a fast writer, but I am a good writer. This is a fact that I’ve held on to my entire life, despite the fact that it doesn’t match up with my current reality at all. For Camp NaNo, I couldn't 'fast write' at all so I aimed for a lower word count...
How Much Editing is Too Much?

How Much Editing is Too Much?

It is no secret that editing can be a long and arduous process for writers. Many writers find themselves trapped in an endless cycle of edits, unable to let go of the idea that their novel should be perfect before it has even been published. But editing too much can...

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5 Reasons You Should Take On Camp NaNoWriMo Today

5 Reasons You Should Take On Camp NaNoWriMo Today

If you're like me, you enjoy writing and have a novel or two floating around in your head. I'm sure many of us have tried to write them, but when you're busy with work and family and social obligations, it can be really hard to find the time to write. Camp NaNoWriMo...

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10 Ways to Overcome Writing Anxiety

10 Ways to Overcome Writing Anxiety

I've been scared to write sometimes. It's not the first time I've felt this way, but it's always difficult to shake off. Oftentimes, when people are scared of writing they plan everything out and have their entire story ready and waiting to be written but get...

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Beatrice Manuel

Aspiring author with a concoction of exciting novels, poetic prose and literary musings in the brew.


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